
Steampunk Animation

Miyazaki Haya, the well-known Japanese animation director who directed many of the famous animation movies which have been well-received around the world. As a big fan of his works, I found this big shot director has a special interest in steampunk. The movie which earned him a great reputation was “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind”, was a scientific fiction set in a special post-modern era. The design of the leading characters was quite of the steampunk styles. All the characters indeed go well with the themes, revealing the cruel side of modern technology and the pathetic life of the post-modern world. Another famous animation of Miyazaki Haya is “Howl’s Moving Castle”, in which the grand concept is steampunk style and the moving castle is a typical steampunk design. When you watch that movie, you would find that the moving castle is actually more like a giant robot thing but with a strong sense of machinery. 


  1. I love Miyazaki!
    I saw another steampunk japanese film, Steamboy. Isn't Ghibli, but is steampunk! Maybe you should check it out. ;)

  2. Thanks for your information! btw i am also a big of steampunk as well as of japanese anime. I will certainly go check it out. :)
