Steampunk is a science fiction genre based on an alternate time-line in which technology progressed along mechanical lines, particularly through steam power instead of electricity. After its success on the science, it was applied into clothing style by some forward designers. Since then, steampunk is more recognized through the clothing field than the science part. No matter how, it is a style that combines a lot of eras and different cultures.
Steampunk outfits typically reflect Victorian era fashion and technology, but it can include features of other eras and cultures such as Edwardian, the Wild West, and even the pirates.
Steampunk clothing often reflects a dark, bleak, and dystopian theme. They are typically made by modifying existing outfits from old eras and adding mechanical accessories.Hats, gears, and goggles are popular along with modified toy guns. Clothing colors tend toward shades of metal, such as bronzed oranges and yellows, rusty browns and dark reds, and various shades of gray and black.
It has many reasons for the steampunk style’s success. One of the reason is that it fuses some eras and cultures. And I hope you will get to know something from above.
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